So okay, the All-Star break came a bit later for the Red Sox and White Sox. On Sunday (or 3-days-off getaway day before the All-Star break), the Sox and Sox played 19 innings on Chicago's South Side. As brutal as this game was at the end, it was made much worse by the ridiculous White Sox announcers (I wish I could get the NESN feed on satellite, but on MLB Extra Innings you taketh the feed they give). I don't mind the one guy, but the only thing more annoying than listening to Ken "The Hawk" Harrelson is listening to Ken "The Hawk" Harrelson for 19 frickin' innings. Are these guys watching the same game? Their bias is unbelievable!!!
I know, I know, all broadcasters are biased, so grow up. But not this bad. I have no doubt in my mind that NESN's Don Orsillo and Jerry Remy are root root rooting for the Red Sox, but they still describe the game on the field. If one of the Red Sox players screws up, they get called on it. After all, their job is to *describe* the game and make comments on it. But these White Sox announcers are so ridiculously one-sided, it makes it not fun to watch if you're not rooting for the White Sox. I'm sure the club knows this, and they are entitled to have whoever they want broadcast the games. But this open cheering for the White Sox (even questioning balls and strikes, for heaven's sake!) is just too much. Makes me want to subscribe to just so I can get a different feed. If I never hear, "Put it on the board, yup!" again, it will be too soon.